Sculptra is an FDA approved treatment that improves the loss of volume in the skin.  This injection stimulates your skins own natural collagen production. The treatment improves the skins structural components.  Once the collagen is stimulated, it begins to strengthen the deep layers of the skin, allowing your skin to appear and feel firmer, smoother and more volumous.


60 minutes


minimal to none


  • Facial wrinkles

  • Folds

  • Chin Wrinkles

  • Smile Lines

  • Neck wrinkles

  • Areas of skin on the body that are crepy (above the knees, behind the elbow, above the belly button)


Since Sculptra stimulates collagen production, you will notice stable, significant results over time. It takes about 4-6 weeks for the collagen to efficiently and effectively produce noticeable voluptuous skin and has an indication to improve volume loss for up to two years.

Sculptra is injected with a needle or a cannula. It is mixed with lidocaine to assist with the reduction of pain.

Post procedure the client needs to massage for atleast five days, five times a day for five minutes each time. This is a very important step to ensure the particulate of the poly L lactic acid is getting evenly distributed in the tissue so there are not little formations of collagen.